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📦 Libraries

  • go-kit/kit - A standard library for microservices.
  • asim/go-micro - A pluggable Go framework for distributed systems development
  • go-kratos/kratos - A modular-designed and easy-to-use microservices framework in Go.
  • goadesign/goa - Design-based APIs and microservices in Go
  • ThreeDotsLabs/watermill - Building event-driven applications the easy way in Go.
  • go-chassis/go-chassis - a microservice framework for rapid development of micro services in Go with rich eco-system
  • ergo-services/ergo - a Framework for creating microservices using technologies and design patterns of Erlang/OTP in Golang
  • go-masonry/mortar - Mortar is a GO framework/library for building gRPC (and REST) web services.
  • UnderTreeTech/waterdrop - Waterdrop is a high performance micro service framework. Waterdrop comes from (The Three Body Problem).
  • dapr/go-sdk - Dapr SDK for go
  • moleculer-go/moleculer - Progressive microservices framework for Go - based and compatible with
  • beatlabs/patron - Microservice framework following best cloud practices with a focus on productivity.
  • zeromicro/go-zero - go-zero is a web and rpc framework written in Go. It’s born to ensure the stability of the busy sites with resilient design. Builtin goctl greatly improves the development productivity.
  • lovoo/goka - Goka is a compact yet powerful distributed stream processing library for Apache Kafka written in Go.
  • pace/bricks - A standard library for microservices.
  • obsidiandynamics/goharvest - Transactional outbox harvester for Postgres → Kafka, written in Go
  • wework/grabbit - A lightweight transactional message bus on top of RabbitMQ
  • micro/micro - A distributed cloud operating system
  • google/go-cloud - The Go Cloud Development Kit (Go CDK): A library and tools for open cloud development in Go
  • ThreeDotsLabs/watermill-amqp - AMQP Pub/Sub for the Watermill project.
  • rookie-ninja/rk-boot - Build microservice with rk-boot and let the team take over clean and tidy code.
  • ServiceWeaver/weaver - Programming framework for writing and deploying cloud applications.

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